Go on a Brewery Tour - #47

Posted by Greg Hudy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 6:51 PM


Living in Milwaukee for a few years and within 15 miles from their the rest of my life you would think that I would have done this before, but it took 28 years for me to get out and get this one done.

My buddy Paul and I went to the Lakefront Brewery for the tour.  Paul had been there before so he knew it would be a good tour.  For $7 you get about a 45 minute tour, 4 beers and a Lakefront Brewery pint glass, pretty good deal if you ask me.

My first of 4 beers on the tour, the Wheat Monkey - bottoms up!

The Wheat Monkey himself!

Paul and I with the Eastside Dark.

What you see after too many beers!
Actually, this was a projected video on the cement wall under a bridge near the brewery.

Comments (1)

Looks like fun! You can go on another brewery tour at Leinie's in August... and it's free!!!