My 101 Goals in 1001 days - (October 9, 2012)

Posted by Greg Hudy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 6:27 PM


1. paint the block on the outside of the house
2. patch the ceiling in the kitchen
3. paint our hallway
4. plant a tree or bushes
5. add shelves/shelving to the garage
6. install a new door in the basement
7. paint our second bedroom - COMPLETED 4/8/2010 ✓
8. learn how to sweat copper
9. fix the leak in the fridge - COMPLETED 9/29/2010
10. fix the snow blower - COMPLETED 2/11/2010
11. get life insurance
12. stain the deck- COMPLETED 7/3/2010
13. trench the downspout in the back yard
14. install a check valve for the sump pump

15. run a second half marathon - COMPLETED 1/23/2010
16. run a second full marathon - COMPLETED 3/27/2010 ✓
17. run a sub 40 minute Crazy Legs 8K - COMPLETED 4/24/2010 ✓
18. run a third marathon - COMPLETED 5/1/2010 ✓
19. do 100 consecutive push-ups
20. do 100 sit-ups
21. go on a 50 mile bike ride
22. ride from Milwaukee to La Crosse (@ 215 miles)
23. do a biathlon
24. go on a back packing trip
25. ride the "Race the Lake" bike race - COMPLETED 8/22/2010 ✓
26. go mountain biking 3 times
27. get up water skiing on one ski
28. go without Fast Food for 3 months
29. go canoeing with Jon
30. ride my bike to church
31. go X-Country skiing at Lapham Peak
32. drink 64oz of water a day for a week
33. run a half marathon with my mom

34. memorize the 60 topical memory verses
35. read all 66 Books of the Bible
36. read 3 Spiritual books COMPLETED 9/15/10 
37. Go to the "No Regrets" Conference - COMPLETED 2/6/10 
38. Invite someone to church
39. go on a 24 hour fast
40. make a list of 101 things I am thankful for

Places to Go/Visit
41. go to a Packers game
42. go to the Milwaukee Art Museum
43. skate at the Petit Center
44. take a trip to Paris to see Tina and Bruno
45. go on a cruise with Angie - COMPLETED 6/13/10
46. go to a Brewers game
47. go to 4 new Restaurants
       1) Mr B's - awesome steak and potatoes 7/24/10
       2) Ryan Braun's - great appetizers and bread 10/12/10
       3) Cempazuches - good authentic mexican food, great salsa, rice and bean 10/29/10
       4) Generations at 5 Points - awesome tapas restaurant, recommend the Baked Brie 3/12/11
48. go on a Brewery Tour - COMPLETED 6/4/10
49. go to Mars Cheese Castle - COMPLETED 2/27/10 ✓
50. go on 6 camping trips
       1) Lake Wissota - 8/13/10
51. go to Milwaukee Public Market
52. visit the Creation museum
53. visit 6 different custard stands/restaurants
54. go to Noah's Ark
55. go on a day trip to Devil's Lake
56. visit Angie's aunt and uncle in St. Louis
57. go for a walk in Whitnall park
58. go to Lake Geneva
59. ride the train to Chicago

60. resume my blog - COMPLETED 1/11/10  
61. read 6 books
62. learn 3 songs on guitar
63. Relearn the State Capitals
64. Ride my bike to work at least once - COMPLETED 7/20/10 
65. Don't listen to morning talk shows on my way to work for a week straight - COMPLETED 10/22/2010
66. connect with someone from grade school (Star of Bethlehem)
67. cut my own hair 3 times - COMPLETED 7/1/2010
68. go fishing
69. build something with wood - COMPLETED 11/13/2010
70. write a letter/email to a political figure
71. get up 1/2 hour early before work for a week

72. go to a work related seminar/class -COMPLETED 2/3/10  
73. learn a new technology

For Fun
74. Learn 5 fun facts about Waukesha and share them with someone
75. Watch Matt Weis eat a whole jug of goldfish
76. build a 1000 piece puzzle
77. have a pizza delivered - COMPLETED 3/27/2010 ✓
78. watch the Godfather movies
79. watch The Wizard of Oz along with Dark Side of the Moon - COMPLETED 2/19/10 ✓
80. rent a Paddle boat on the Fox River
81. watch the Star Wars Movies
82. beat Super Mario Bros. (for the second time)
83. Host a "Guys' Night" - COMPLETED 11/6/10 ✓
84. get a Decemberists CD from the library
85. go sledding

86. Take Angie to a play/musical
87. edit our wedding video together
88. make 15 dinners for Angie
89. visit my grandparents in New Berlin not around a holiday
90. buy Angie 5 surprise gifts
91. wake up early and make breakfast for Angie
92. take my niece and nephew out for ice cream
93. have my niece and nephew over for a sleepover
94. watch my sister and brother-in-laws kids for them for an evening
95. interview my grandparents 
96. invite our neighbors over - COMPLETED 4/17/2010 ✓
97. serve at a Food Pantry/Soup Kitchen - COMPLETED 4/9/2010 ✓
98. help a friend with a home project
99. do 5 dates nights with Angie
100. go out with my Brother-in-Law

Because I Can
101. Celebrate finishing goals

Comments (3)

Great job! Get ready to be more productive... I've done way more this past year than I normally would have. Good luck!

"Nice work and it is quite a goal - It comes out to completing one goad every 10 days, GOOD LUCK, if anyone can do it it is you!" - Greg Hudy

Bro - totally love your list, and you've inspired me to make my own 101 list, but one thing that I have learned in the course of better GTD strategies. That having a list is great - setting dates to have the items done by is totally different, and there's a fine balance - as we don't want to move toward a productivity by volume only mindset either. As I was reading through your list I saw a few that I had just done my self, but didn't have it written down.

So, what net technology are you hoping to learn? (being a geek - that's the one that I'd really love to see / help you do).

Thanks for the reply on twitter. ^~~^