Stain the Deck - #12

Posted by Greg Hudy | Posted in , , | Posted on 6:16 PM


This one took a bit longer than I was hoping it would, but the end result looks pretty decent in my opinion.  I learned many things about deck staining/refinishing and I will share them for those wanting to take up the same task.
1.  It will take longer than you think
2.  Don't believe everything you read/hear about with deck stripper solutions, they DON"T work... Period.  In fact that is the only thing you should believe about them.  All they do is change the color of the paint/stain you are trying to remove.
3.  Use a sander instead - a big one from Home Depot and a hand one borrowed from a friend - Thanks Jon! 
4.  Rent the biggest one you can from Home Depot - use around a 60 grit or so to really give it a good sanding.
5.  Don't try to lift the sander yourself, it will be the worst back pain you will ever experience.
6.  Try to do as much work in the shade - the sun can cause the stain to dry too fast and leave streaks.
7.  Wear bug spray.
8.  Staining spindles is best left to your wife - Thanks Angie :-)

Before sanding and staining.

The sander I rented from Home Depot, worked great!

 Almost done with coat #1

Still Staining...

Finally done and furnished.  We got 4 new used chairs from our neighbors!

Happy Staining!!

Comments (5)

Sweet! Thanks for the tips. I can't wait to have a house of my own and stain a deck, but maybe the house won't come with a deck and I'll have to build one from scratch? If this is the case, I will post on how to build this elevated deck! Good work Greg!

Looks like a job well done. I've never used a sander on my deck - instead, I've used a power sprayer. That takes a steady hand - it take old finish off but if the nozzle get too close to the wood it actually takes the wood off.
Just think - 5 years ago - did you think you would have pulled something like this off?

Looks great, you both did a nice job.

Great work! That's a big job - good call letting Angie do the spindles!

Thanks! It is great to have it done, now if I could get rid of the mosquitoes so we could use it at night.