Camp trip 1of 6 - Lake Wissota

Posted by Greg Hudy | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 10:43 AM


Well, so far the camping trips aren't really getting marked of the list too fast, but they are still alot of fun, as you can see by this excited expression on Eri'cs face. 
The Leinie Lodge
We went to Lake Wissota State Park, near Chippewa Falls.  We went with a few of our friends and some of their family.  It was the same weekend as Pure Water Days, which is a parade/festival that celebrates the "pure water" that the Leinenkugel Brewery gets from the Chippewa River.

This was Connor building some sort of rocket or plane shooting gun with tent poles.
An old fire truck in the Pure Water Days parade.

Andrew, Carrisa, and Olivia checking out the brewery.
Alena eating some lunch at the camp site.
Carson chillin with some pretzels.
Me and my wife.
Like father like son.
Apryl and Clara.
Angie, Cristina, and Clara hanging out at the parade.
Ruth and Carson having fun in the Falls.
Tha Boyz - Herm and Arch
Alena showing her Dad that she can grow a mustache too.