Read 3 Spiritual books - #35

Posted by Greg Hudy | Posted in | Posted on 3:08 PM


I will preface this goal by saying that i am really not a big reader, that's why 3 books seemed enough for the goal for me, I know some of you out there could easily do that in a day or two.

The books I read were -

Prophet - Frank E Peretti
This book is a Christian fiction novel about spiritual warfare.  I have read 2 other books by Peretti and have loved them all.  One of the things I really like about them is that Peretti give a great picture of angels and demons and how they interact with us here on earth and he also really emphasizes the great power of prayer.

The Shack - WM. Paul Young
This was another Christian fiction that I got from my mom.  I had heard others read it, but didn't really know much about it.  I will say that it is one of the top few fiction books I have read, granted I have only read a few anyways.  It is about a husband/father that deals with the loss of a child and struggles in his faith with God.  Again, awesome imagery, but this time it is of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirt - I would HIGHLY recommend it!

The Prodigal God - Timothy Keller
This was a book recommended by a friend of mine.  The book basically takes a different look at the parable of the prodigal son in the Bible.  It has great descriptions of God and his love for us despite who we are and our failures and shortcoming that we have like the younger brother, and despite our arrogance and goodness like the older brother.  This was a very quick and easy read, but yet very beneficial especially to someone that has grown up in the Christian faith.