Flash vs. Silverlight - #72

Posted by Greg Hudy | Posted in , , | Posted on 10:38 AM


I want to preface this post by letting you know that this may be a bit on the boring side for you non technical folks, but with that being said this was a goal of mine and I had a great time at this event.

The event was led by two incredibly smart guys for their side of the ring.
For Silverlight
Curtis Gibeaut of Insomniac Development is an expert's expert in Software Architecture including, Java, .Net, WPF, WCF, LINQ, nUnit, mbUnit, RhinoMocks, Silverlight, HTML/XHTML/DHTML, XML, SOAP, REST, JavaScript, VBScript and WTF.  You can follow him at @cjibo.
For Flash
Romke de Haan.  He is currently Presentation Layer Architect at Hanson Dodge Creative. His path has taken him from Homeboyz Interactive to Razorfish to HDC. He teaches Adobe Flex classes at C2gps and recently taught Flex at Disney in L.A.  He can be followed at @romke.  

Both of these guys had great 1-2 punches against each other, and each always had a counter attack ready whether it was for rapid prototyping, benefits for the designer or developer, or just overall ease of use.  I must say that if anything stuck out was that it took forever to open the Silverlight development environment, even longer than it takes the Flash IDE to open.  

All in all, a great explanation was given of both products was that Flash was built for Designers looking to do animations and has developed into a great Rich Application tool, and Silverlight was built for Developers in the .NET environment so they could add some excitement and interest to their data manipulation.

I am going to be sticking with Flash! 

Comments (2)

I can thank Bootcamp for the slowness of loading my IDE. I had to reboot because VMWare Fusion was not cooperating. On a dedicated Dev machine that will not be the case.

Yeah, I thought I remember that being the case - I had to have something bad to say about it ;-) All in all, I was actually impressed with Silverlight.