No Regrets 2010, For Such a Time as This - #36

Posted by Greg Hudy | Posted in , , | Posted on 11:06 AM


I went to this conference knowing that it would be a "good experience" and that there would be "good messages", which it was, but it was more than that.  Dr. Voddie Baucham, the keynote speaker of the day, was a great speaker, he spoke as someone really speaking from their heart.  He was convicting in what he was preaching and a few things stuck out to me that I was able to take from the his messages.  They were:
#1 - The Bible is not a book of Principles to mind, or a book of rules to follow.
It is more than that.  Sure, there are principles and rules in the Bible, but they are there to point us to Christ and to what he has done for us.  It isn't about, do this and that and things will work out for you.  I knew this, but he was able to present it in a new light for me.

#2 - The Bible is not a book of Stories
This hit rather close to home as Angie and I are Sunday school teachers.  We tend to teach the lessons as "stories" in the Bible and it is good to be reminded that these are not stories, they are all things that are pointing to Christ in one way or another, and are not just stand alone stories in the Bible.

Here is the link to the No Regrets, 2010 messages if you want to listen for yourself.

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