Invite Our Neighbors Over - #96

Posted by Greg Hudy | Posted in , , | Posted on 7:19 PM


We have lived in our house for almost a year now and other than having our house warming party and inviting our neighbors to that, we have not had them over yet.  I guess a good excuse was that we just moved in and then it was winter after that, so everyone pretty much hibernates for that if you are in the northern part of the US like us - that is why we have these.  But now it is the spring so we finally decided to have them over.  Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures to verify this event, but I know that it won't be the first time we have them over, so I can post pictures another time. 
We had a great time hanging out and just catching up with them.  They are our age and have a big fluffy dog named Bernard.  I usually get to see all of them outside a few times a week during the warmer months while we are all doing yard work.  I think this weekend we may even do some tree trimming together.  If we are lucky we will get some pictures of that!

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