Fix the Snowblower - #10

Posted by Greg Hudy | Posted in , , | Posted on 5:38 PM


There are many things that I am learning about owning my first home - #1 Craigslist is one of my best friends, #2 my neighbors can be a close second, and last but not least, #3 anyone that gives us something for free trumps the above two and goes straight to the top of the list, especially if it is an outside tool that can make my life alot easier!!

Angie and I have received a lawn mower from my grandparents, who they got from their neighbor because he we going to get rid of it, so my grandparents thought of us and with a little help from my grandpa and a little TLC, we got it up and running.  The second item, which I nick-named "Red Bull" is pictured above and I think is the best free tool that I have received so far!  We got it from Angie's parents all the way from Lake Crystal, MN and Angie's mom was so very gracious to have it in her trunk for the 6 or so hour drive - Thanks Susan and Jim!!  They gave it us in AS-IS condition, which was, if you can get it running, you can have it.  Unfortunately I waited until after I shoveled 3 days of super heavy wet snow to try to fix old "Red", but it only took a few hours or tinkering and I got it running - I will have to say, I shouted for joy even louder than the snow blower (Angie can attest to that :-).  I was able to get a few good runs in it before the snow stopped and am excited for next years powder - Bring it on old man winter!!!   Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!

Comments (3)

Nice goin man! Way to show red bull who's boss.

I never named it but I sure talked to it when I needed it. For such a little snowblower it really had some snow moving guts. I feel like Susan and I passed on a legacy - I hope your kids like it too.

Way to go!