Run a Third Marathon - #18

Posted by Greg Hudy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 2:54 PM


This one was a great goal that I have finished, probably the best so far, because of the feelings up to the race, during the race and at the finish.

I had heard from Matt that this race, the Cristie Clinic Illinois Marathon, was a pretty good one, well organized, good swag, decent medal, and plenty of port-o-potties!  And to my amazement each one of those things was right.

Here is a picture of the swag I got - pretty cool medal, long sleeve tech tee and a drawstring bag.

 My friends Andrew and Steve drove down to Urbana the night before so we wouldn't have to drive 5 hours the morning of the race.  That worked out really well because Steve was able to show us a bit of his alma mater, the University of Illinois.  We had a pretty good pre-race dinner the night before at Domino's, because we didn't want to wait 1 1/2 hours to be seated at another pizza place there in town.

Here are a few images of me at the finish line, pretty exciting.

Looks like I am barely moving here, I promise I was running.

Like I said, very exciting!

Yes, that is the ubiquitous tongue hanging out.

This must have been why a medic guy asked me if I was okay.
Total time - 4:30:17 - new PR

Comments (2)

Congrats on the PR! Glad you enjoyed Illinois... any others on the calendar yet?

No fulls on the calendar yet. I will be doing a half this fall with my mom though. She wants to run in Springfield, MO.