Have a Pizza Delivered - #77

Posted by Greg Hudy | Posted in , | Posted on 5:04 PM


Belive it or not, I have never had the luxury of ordering a pizza and having it delivered - crazy, I know. 
I had just finished my second marathon earlier this day and I figured what better way to gain back the roughly 3500 - 4000 or so calories that I had burned than by ordering a pizza.

I had heard alot about the "new and improved" Dominos pizza and the cool on-line ordering process, so I thought I would give it a shot.  You can actually see on-line when the get your order, put it in the oven and when they are on their way over - pretty awesome if you ask me.

Here you can see that "Kyle" put my pizza in the oven and it is on Step #3 - BAKE.

Comments (2)

Congrats! That's a gigantic accomplishment!

Yeah I know, it was a tough one.