Ride the "Race the Lake" bike race - #25

Posted by Greg Hudy | Posted in , , , , | Posted on 6:05 PM


This was a race that I wanted to do last year, but because of the lack of training I had, I figured I would just hold off until this year.  Well, the training didn't increase that much more this year, but I am in better shape this year from the marathons that I have done.
The race was a 88.5 mile race around Lake Winnebago, starting in Fond du lac and going northwest around the lake to High Cliff State Park, then riding south along the eastern side of the lake and back to the starting point.

I ended up riding with my cousins Tim and Sam and two of their friends, Wade and Phil, most of the way which was alot of fun.  Here they are:
Tim, making sure he doesn't pull a hammy.

Sam - Yo, What's up?

 Tim's friend Wade - He and I were the Orange Julius'.

The best part of the race was when me and about 12 or so others were coasting down a slight decline at about 30 mph and just laughing at how easy it was - its amazing what drafting can do.

I ended finishing in just under 5 hours - 4:59:15.  I think it would be fun to do the race again and try to beat that time, but I was really happy with how I did.

Sam, after the race.  Can you believe he had is thumbs up the whole day, even while racing?!

The gang (minus Phil) - he was a hard guy to keep track of.

Who wants to ride next year??

Comments (2)

Congrats! MAJOR accomplishment! I'd love to do it next year with ya!

Thanks Matt - yeah it was fun - we'll have to train a bit more for next year, maybe get the 30K purse.