Build Something with Wood - #69

Posted by Greg Hudy | Posted in , , | Posted on 6:05 PM


About 2 weeks ago or so, Angie said she didn't like how her closet was set up, I don't blame her, it wasn't all that exciting, you can see it here.

So I figured I could make it a bit better.  We looked up pictures of closet setups online and found one that we like and we figured we could copy pretty easy.

Here is the image that we wanted to copy.

Angie in her cleaned out closet.

Cutting up the boards for the middle shelving unit.

The finished result.

Comments (5)

That looks so nice! Can you come and do that in my closet? Wait, I still share part of one with Alena and part of one with Eric's massive collection of t-shirts. Maybe if you helped, we could figure out a way to have me move my clothes into the "Eric" closet in our bedroom! You really did a great job! Lucky Angie!!

Looks awesome, Greg!

Seriously impressed!! When can you come over and do something like that to our closet?! :)


Thanks for the comments. It was fun doing it and Angie was a great helper throughout the process.

Great job Greg! I am now a follower. :)