How Has God Shown His Faithfulness?

Posted by Greg Hudy | Posted in , | Posted on 8:04 PM


Have you ever stopped and thought about how faithful God has been to you?

I know I have shot past the idea or thought about it for a minute or two and thought, "Wow, God is Faithful!"  and then went along with my day.  Not saying that is bad or anything, I think it is good to realize His faithfulness, but it is even better to really ponder it and grasp how faithful He is.

What really got me thinking about this was this past Sunday's sermon at Crossroads Church, "Making Moving Memorials", which you can actually listen to here.  At any event, Pastor Steve got me thinking and he had a call to action to come up with a list (you know I like lists ;-) of times or events when God was faithful and He made a difference in my life.

Here are a few that come to my mind (not exhaustive, or in any particular order)

1.  Meeting and then marrying my wife Angie - I met her at a Bible Camp that I was invited to serve at by another friend of mine, the rest is history :-)

2.  Fixing computer/programming problems - this may seem odd but I can't tell you how many times I have struggled with a problem at work on the computer and I prayed to God about it and miraculously He fixes it or gives me some sort of knowledge to solve the problem - may sound crazy, but it's true!

3.  Giving me my job - So many things just fell into place for me to get the job where I am now, even while I was still in school, I could say more, but will bear you the details.

4.  Meeting the great group of friends I have now - in fact it really all started for me on 9/11, we had a group of folks at the place I was working at at the time have a prayer time during lunch and that is when I met Paul, who later became my best man in my wedding and who introduced me to some other awesome guys.

The list can go on and on.  The point is God IS Faithful - we need to remember that and we need to share that with others as well.

How has God been faithful to you?

Comments (2)

I totally agree, a lot of us probably think about how great God is to us, but then we just go on with our lives. But we should all give God the time that he deserves. I recently went to a church and the sermon was to challenge all of us to get up BEFORE the sun comes up to pray and just hang out with God. The sermon was preached out of Mark 1:35 talking about how Jesus went out early by himself to pray. But they later mentioned Exodous 16:21 about how the Israelites needed to gather their manna in the morning otherwise it would just wax away. I thought that was pretty cool the way they needed to get it in the morning otherwise it'd be gone. Same thing with spending time with God. If you start your day the right way with prayer the rest of your day goes a little easier, I mean there's still gonna be bumps in your day, but at least you started out right. Just remember a prayerless life = a powerless life.

Greg, I would just like to say how awesome it is to see how much you've grown in Christ. It's so good to look back and reflect on how faithful the Lord has been to us. Thanks for the reminder. So glad to see your life is so blessed!