What's with the Goals?

Posted by Greg Hudy | Posted in , | Posted on 7:47 PM


photo by Peter Kaminski

I decided to create this list of goals after hearing about a friend of mine, Matt, told me that he had created a list for himself.  After a few months of saying, "Yeah, I am going to do it, I finally got my act together and came up with my own list.  You may see a few similar items between our list, but that is just because he has such great goals.  Andrew, another one of my buddies, also decided to create a list for himself as well, and you can find that  list here.

Feel free to leave a comment, joke, or otherwise communicate about these goals - I am really looking forward to these next 1001 days!

I will be posting as I get the goals complete - in fact just starting this blog again, helps me with #59, my first completed goal.

Disclaimer: All goals are subject to change and can be modified/replaced at my discretion.

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