Wii Weekend

Posted by Greg Hudy | Posted in , , | Posted on 7:01 PM


This past week went by in quite a blur but there were a few exciting parts about it, one being that Angie and I got invited to go out with my sister and brother-in-law for a Buffalo Wild Wings/Nintendo Wii double date.  Angie had been wanting to go to BW3's for a while so this worked out great!  I got the Mango Habanero wings - perfect mix of sweet and spicy.

Afterward, we went to their house and played Super Mario for Wii - that was AWESOME!  It brought me back to the good old days!  They really did a good job of combining the good things of each game.  We had a fun time and I will admit there was high fiving going on when we beat the first Koopa Castle.

Comments (1)

Jealous... that Mario game looks awesome!