Go to Mars Cheese Castle - #48

Posted by Greg Hudy | Posted in , , | Posted on 7:39 PM


Say Cheese!  I don't know how many times I have driven past the Mars Cheese Castle and thought to myself, 'Boy, that would be fun to go to'.  Well, the day finally arrived - Angie and I were headed down to Chicago to pick up my Mom from her friend's house and Angie noticed it and said, "Isn't that on your goals list?"  I was so excited, I swerved across 2 lanes of traffic just to get off the freeway in time. 
So I bet you are wondering - "How was it?" Well, to be honest, think of a cross between Elegeant Farmer and Freeway Quickie Mart and you got it.  They had similar stuff like Elegeant Farmer, but it all seemed to be all 50% off because it was all out dated. 
All in all, it is another goal off the list and another goal closer to the 101.

Thanks for the reminder Angie!!

Here I am signing the official Mars Cheese Castle Guest Book!

Comments (1)

I had to check it out too. They have a lot of good cheese... I thought it had a bowling alley bar-feel to it too.
