Serve at a Food Pantry/Soup Kitchen - #97

Posted by Greg Hudy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 5:30 PM


I have wanted to serve at a food pantry type place for a while and always kept putting it off or never really acted on it, so I added it to my goals and that got me more involved... Well, to be honest, Angie told me about a week before we served that we were going to do it, I really had no hand in the planning of it, but I was there none the less.

We served at the Hope Center in Waukesha.  I mostly went around pouring drinks and clearing plates and cleaning up the hour and a half I was there, but boy is it a treat to be able to serve in that capacity.  There were probably about 75 or so people of all ages that where there taking part in the dinner.  There were a few I recognized from around town here.  I would highly recommend finding a local pantry or kitchen to serve, it will be just as rewarding for you as it is for them. 

There were some really great people there that would be great to get to know a bit more, some, despite their situations, really seemed to have a love for life and the people in their lives.  It is a good reminder to be thankful for what we have and to not expect things handed to up on a silver platter.

If you want to learn more about the Hope Center in Waukesha you can visit their website to find out more info.

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