Run a Second Full Marathon - #16

Posted by Greg Hudy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 4:48 PM


It's hard to think back to May 24th of 2009, it seems so long ago.  That was when I completed my first marathon in Madison.  It was a hard finish but I had alot of support keeping me going, my family, friends, my wife, and a good friend Andrew.  We ran the whole race together, start to finish and when I finally did cross the finish line there was such a sense of accomplishment for me and all the emotions leading up to it that I can actually say I got a little misty eyed.  Despite the great emotions from the race, I decided because I felt so tired and sore and altogether pooped, that I was never going to do another one...  

Fast forward to March 27th and that is when I finished my second marathon and am already signed up for my third - crazy stuff. 

I felt 20x better finishing this one than I did finishing Madison and I had Andrew and Matt as running partners the entire way.  It was alot of fun, albeit not a great race if you are expecting lots of spectators to cheer for you.  I think I saw about 10 - 15 spectators the entire time we were out there.
Here we are at the top of the tower at Lapham Peak we had to run up - the highest point in Waukesha County (about 14 mile mark)

One of the total of 4 or so rest areas, but boy were the oranges amazing they had there
(about 19 mile mark)

The studs at the finish
(26.2 mile mark)

Comments (3)

Hey Greg, Matt's brother here. Way to go! I said I wasn't running another marathon for at least ten years. Matt and I ran one together 7 months later. I'm sure #s 4 and 5 will be right around the corner. Keep up the good work checking those goals off!

Thanks Eric - yeah it is hard to know when the marathons stop, now seeing that they have completely taken over you and Matt. Keep up you goals as well!

Great job, Greg. You can do anything you put your mind to... or anything I tell you to do :) You're going to do awesome in Champaign!