Icebreaker Half Marathon - #15

Posted by Greg Hudy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 8:24 PM


This past weekend I completed in the second annual Instep Icebreaker Indoor Marathon and Half Marathon - I did the half marathon.  Matt told me about the race last year and I told him he was nuts for doing it and that I would never want to do it, well I ate those words.  It was actually a great race and a well managed event.  You can't beat having water stations and bath rooms at every quarter mile, plus the weather is a perfect 55 degrees!  You can see my Milwaukee Journal/Sentinel debut here.

Here are a few other pictures from the race as well.

Doesn't it look like a blast!
And here's my bib and the medal

How Has God Shown His Faithfulness?

Posted by Greg Hudy | Posted in , | Posted on 8:04 PM


Have you ever stopped and thought about how faithful God has been to you?

I know I have shot past the idea or thought about it for a minute or two and thought, "Wow, God is Faithful!"  and then went along with my day.  Not saying that is bad or anything, I think it is good to realize His faithfulness, but it is even better to really ponder it and grasp how faithful He is.

What really got me thinking about this was this past Sunday's sermon at Crossroads Church, "Making Moving Memorials", which you can actually listen to here.  At any event, Pastor Steve got me thinking and he had a call to action to come up with a list (you know I like lists ;-) of times or events when God was faithful and He made a difference in my life.

Here are a few that come to my mind (not exhaustive, or in any particular order)

1.  Meeting and then marrying my wife Angie - I met her at a Bible Camp that I was invited to serve at by another friend of mine, the rest is history :-)

2.  Fixing computer/programming problems - this may seem odd but I can't tell you how many times I have struggled with a problem at work on the computer and I prayed to God about it and miraculously He fixes it or gives me some sort of knowledge to solve the problem - may sound crazy, but it's true!

3.  Giving me my job - So many things just fell into place for me to get the job where I am now, even while I was still in school, I could say more, but will bear you the details.

4.  Meeting the great group of friends I have now - in fact it really all started for me on 9/11, we had a group of folks at the place I was working at at the time have a prayer time during lunch and that is when I met Paul, who later became my best man in my wedding and who introduced me to some other awesome guys.

The list can go on and on.  The point is God IS Faithful - we need to remember that and we need to share that with others as well.

How has God been faithful to you?

Wii Weekend

Posted by Greg Hudy | Posted in , , | Posted on 7:01 PM


This past week went by in quite a blur but there were a few exciting parts about it, one being that Angie and I got invited to go out with my sister and brother-in-law for a Buffalo Wild Wings/Nintendo Wii double date.  Angie had been wanting to go to BW3's for a while so this worked out great!  I got the Mango Habanero wings - perfect mix of sweet and spicy.

Afterward, we went to their house and played Super Mario for Wii - that was AWESOME!  It brought me back to the good old days!  They really did a good job of combining the good things of each game.  We had a fun time and I will admit there was high fiving going on when we beat the first Koopa Castle.

What's with the Goals?

Posted by Greg Hudy | Posted in , | Posted on 7:47 PM


photo by Peter Kaminski

I decided to create this list of goals after hearing about a friend of mine, Matt, told me that he had created a list for himself.  After a few months of saying, "Yeah, I am going to do it, I finally got my act together and came up with my own list.  You may see a few similar items between our list, but that is just because he has such great goals.  Andrew, another one of my buddies, also decided to create a list for himself as well, and you can find that  list here.

Feel free to leave a comment, joke, or otherwise communicate about these goals - I am really looking forward to these next 1001 days!

I will be posting as I get the goals complete - in fact just starting this blog again, helps me with #59, my first completed goal.

Disclaimer: All goals are subject to change and can be modified/replaced at my discretion.

My 101 Goals in 1001 days - (October 9, 2012)

Posted by Greg Hudy | Posted in , , , | Posted on 6:27 PM


1. paint the block on the outside of the house
2. patch the ceiling in the kitchen
3. paint our hallway
4. plant a tree or bushes
5. add shelves/shelving to the garage
6. install a new door in the basement
7. paint our second bedroom - COMPLETED 4/8/2010 ✓
8. learn how to sweat copper
9. fix the leak in the fridge - COMPLETED 9/29/2010
10. fix the snow blower - COMPLETED 2/11/2010
11. get life insurance
12. stain the deck- COMPLETED 7/3/2010
13. trench the downspout in the back yard
14. install a check valve for the sump pump

15. run a second half marathon - COMPLETED 1/23/2010
16. run a second full marathon - COMPLETED 3/27/2010 ✓
17. run a sub 40 minute Crazy Legs 8K - COMPLETED 4/24/2010 ✓
18. run a third marathon - COMPLETED 5/1/2010 ✓
19. do 100 consecutive push-ups
20. do 100 sit-ups
21. go on a 50 mile bike ride
22. ride from Milwaukee to La Crosse (@ 215 miles)
23. do a biathlon
24. go on a back packing trip
25. ride the "Race the Lake" bike race - COMPLETED 8/22/2010 ✓
26. go mountain biking 3 times
27. get up water skiing on one ski
28. go without Fast Food for 3 months
29. go canoeing with Jon
30. ride my bike to church
31. go X-Country skiing at Lapham Peak
32. drink 64oz of water a day for a week
33. run a half marathon with my mom

34. memorize the 60 topical memory verses
35. read all 66 Books of the Bible
36. read 3 Spiritual books COMPLETED 9/15/10 
37. Go to the "No Regrets" Conference - COMPLETED 2/6/10 
38. Invite someone to church
39. go on a 24 hour fast
40. make a list of 101 things I am thankful for

Places to Go/Visit
41. go to a Packers game
42. go to the Milwaukee Art Museum
43. skate at the Petit Center
44. take a trip to Paris to see Tina and Bruno
45. go on a cruise with Angie - COMPLETED 6/13/10
46. go to a Brewers game
47. go to 4 new Restaurants
       1) Mr B's - awesome steak and potatoes 7/24/10
       2) Ryan Braun's - great appetizers and bread 10/12/10
       3) Cempazuches - good authentic mexican food, great salsa, rice and bean 10/29/10
       4) Generations at 5 Points - awesome tapas restaurant, recommend the Baked Brie 3/12/11
48. go on a Brewery Tour - COMPLETED 6/4/10
49. go to Mars Cheese Castle - COMPLETED 2/27/10 ✓
50. go on 6 camping trips
       1) Lake Wissota - 8/13/10
51. go to Milwaukee Public Market
52. visit the Creation museum
53. visit 6 different custard stands/restaurants
54. go to Noah's Ark
55. go on a day trip to Devil's Lake
56. visit Angie's aunt and uncle in St. Louis
57. go for a walk in Whitnall park
58. go to Lake Geneva
59. ride the train to Chicago

60. resume my blog - COMPLETED 1/11/10  
61. read 6 books
62. learn 3 songs on guitar
63. Relearn the State Capitals
64. Ride my bike to work at least once - COMPLETED 7/20/10 
65. Don't listen to morning talk shows on my way to work for a week straight - COMPLETED 10/22/2010
66. connect with someone from grade school (Star of Bethlehem)
67. cut my own hair 3 times - COMPLETED 7/1/2010
68. go fishing
69. build something with wood - COMPLETED 11/13/2010
70. write a letter/email to a political figure
71. get up 1/2 hour early before work for a week

72. go to a work related seminar/class -COMPLETED 2/3/10  
73. learn a new technology

For Fun
74. Learn 5 fun facts about Waukesha and share them with someone
75. Watch Matt Weis eat a whole jug of goldfish
76. build a 1000 piece puzzle
77. have a pizza delivered - COMPLETED 3/27/2010 ✓
78. watch the Godfather movies
79. watch The Wizard of Oz along with Dark Side of the Moon - COMPLETED 2/19/10 ✓
80. rent a Paddle boat on the Fox River
81. watch the Star Wars Movies
82. beat Super Mario Bros. (for the second time)
83. Host a "Guys' Night" - COMPLETED 11/6/10 ✓
84. get a Decemberists CD from the library
85. go sledding

86. Take Angie to a play/musical
87. edit our wedding video together
88. make 15 dinners for Angie
89. visit my grandparents in New Berlin not around a holiday
90. buy Angie 5 surprise gifts
91. wake up early and make breakfast for Angie
92. take my niece and nephew out for ice cream
93. have my niece and nephew over for a sleepover
94. watch my sister and brother-in-laws kids for them for an evening
95. interview my grandparents 
96. invite our neighbors over - COMPLETED 4/17/2010 ✓
97. serve at a Food Pantry/Soup Kitchen - COMPLETED 4/9/2010 ✓
98. help a friend with a home project
99. do 5 dates nights with Angie
100. go out with my Brother-in-Law

Because I Can
101. Celebrate finishing goals